Elgin Alano Club is following
Phase 4 guidelines as of
Saturday, June 26th, 2020
Dear members and fellows,
We are following the Stage-4 guidelines set forth by the state of Illinois to re-open the club to In-Person meetings on May 30th, 2020 under the following rules:
- Face Masks are required for entry to the club.
- If you are not feeling well, please stay home and take care of yourself.
- Face coverings and social distancing are the norm while inside the club. You may take off your mask during the meeting if you are practicing safe distancing and remaining in your seat for the entire meeting.
- Meeting rooms are limited to 50% capacity, social distancing at 6 feet apart; chairs will be placed on marked spots to insure proper distancing where possible.
- Meetings with attendance larger then 20-persons will require the meeting chair to split the participants into smaller groups in break-out sessions in our three meeting spaces.
- Sanitation: The meeting chairperson is responsible to wipe down the chairs, door handles, bathroom faucet handles and toilet flush lever before/after the meeting with the cleaning products supplied by the club. Please initial the cleaning-sheet for tracking.
- The Coffee Pot and Vending is permitted for use inside the club – please use disposable cups & clean the surfaces appropriately before/after each meeting.
- Shareable 12-Step Books will NOT be supplied, you must bring your own or use a smartphone app until further notice.
- The 7th tradition will be collected in a stationary basket (no passing), hugs and holding hands should be avoided until it can be safely done again.
If possible, we encourage the meeting chairpersons to log on to the zoom account via their smartphone so that those who are not ready to attend in-person meetings at the club, or may be restricted by our attendance limitations, can get in on the meeting.
The ZOOM account will remain active until no longer necessary –
Meeting ID: 945 901 0315
Password: 4-digits (Twelve & Twelve)
For updates visit our website & social media channels.
Website: www.ElginAlanoClub.org
Facebook: @ElginAlanoClub
Twitter: @ElginAlanoClub