About EAC

73 S Riverside Dr

About the Elgin Alano Club

The Elgin Alano Club [EAC] is a private, non-profit 501c3 charitable organization dedicated to serving the needs of the recovery community in Elgin and the surrounding areas. Our mission is to provide a safe environment where the people participating in twelve-step recovery programs can meet, socialize and find support for their efforts.

Our membership is open to any and all members of any twelve-step program that meet the minimum sobriety requirements.  On average we serve 770 attendees a month via regularly scheduled meetings; attendance varies between 3 – 40 persons per meeting.  Many members and individuals are in long-term recovery and continue to provide service and support to the greater twelve-step community via meetings and activities at EAC.  The club is commonly used as a place to connect for those new to recovery, many living in one of 10 sober living houses in the Elgin area and from LSSI and/or the Community Crisis Center.

In order to function, the Elgin Alano Club naturally has expenses. These expenses include building rent, utilities, maintenance, supplies and many others. The club’s revenues come from the following sources:

  • Group Meeting Rent
  • Annual Membership Dues
  • Donations (tax-deductible contributions)
  • Fundraising Events

Hours of typical operations are between 9am – 10pm, 7-days a week, 365-days a year.  Special events may occur monthly that involved Sunday Morning Open Speaker Potluck Brunch, Sports-Themed Evening Fundraisers, Special 12-step Service Related Workshops, etc.  Examples may be found on our Calendar of Events.

EAC is accessible to key-holding members only and is typically opened 30-minutes before a scheduled meeting or event. There are currently between 45 – 60 active members, there are no paid staff or attendants. Onsite security cameras are used for the interior entrance and office area of our current location for monitoring.  Parking is restricted to designated areas and we ask our patrons to be respectful to our residential and commercial neighbors when gathering or leaving a meeting.

Meeting Rentals for 12-step groups:

When your 12-step group decides to utilize our facilities for meetings, you help make it possible to provide space, events and fellowship for so many people in recovery.  We welcome any and all 12-step based recovery organizations to utilize EAC to hold their meetings when day/time slots are available.

Monthly dues for group rentals are as little as $35 a month and we require at least one member of your group to be a key-holding member of EAC.  Individual rentals of EAC are also available to host your next Social or Workshop event, please contact the board for more information: [email protected]

Individual Memberships:

By becoming an EAC member and renewing your membership annually, you are engaging in service work. You are practicing the 12th Step by helping to carry the message to alcoholics. You are freely giving back some of what you been so freely given.

If you are not a member, or your membership has expired, we encourage you to join or renew today. All dues are tax deductible, and each member (upon request) will receive a letter for tax purposes.  Learn More about Membership

Members may receive full access and use of the Elgin Alano Club between posted meetings, giving you access to the main hall, members lounge with wide screen TV, kitchen and meeting rooms. Patron and Key-Holder members have full voting rights and receive discounts for club fundraising events. Never be shy about coming to the monthly board meeting (2nd Monday at 6:30 PM) with your ideas and thoughts.