District 22 Christmas Party 2013

Highland Fellowship Church 2250 Highland Avenue, Elgin, IL, United States

Bring a Dish or Dessert to pass at our Potluck!  Yummy Main Dishes, Beverages, Entertainment and Fellowship provided! Raffle/Prizes and Kids Games! Doors Open at 5:30 - Dinner Served 6:30 - 8:30pm Santa arrives at 8:15pm - Christmas Carol Sing-a-long

NIA-20 Delegates Report!

Elgin Alano Club 73 Riverside Drive, Elgin, IL, United States

The Wednesday Night 12x12x12 and More Group of AA presents: The Delegates Report! Northern Illinois Area 20’s Delegate Cheryl V. will present an updated report on what’s happening at the GSO level .  Learn how NIA-20 is represented at the General Service

District 22 Summer Picnic

Wing Park 1010 Wing Street, Elgin, IL, United States

District 22 Picnic, August 2, 10:00 am - 4:00 pm, Wing Park, Elgin, IL Bring your family to our Annual AA District 22 Picnic , Saturday August 22nd from 10-4. Free Food, great raffle prizes including A Gas Grill, Men's

Special Needs Workshop – D22

Presence St. Joseph Hospital 77 N. Airlite St, Elgin, IL, United States

Special Needs Workshop - October 11th, 2014 Time: 12:00 - 3:00 PM Location: Presence St. Joseph Hospital, 77 N. Aitlite St, Elgin, IL 60123 Panelists Include: Marcia S. Ray M. Urbano S. Herbert L. Mary K, ASL Interpreter Raquel, Spanish

Save the Date: D-22 Holiday Party!!!

Highland Fellowship Church 2250 Highland Avenue, Elgin, IL, United States

Our annual District 22 Holiday Party and Potluck will be.... Saturday December 6th @ Highland Fellowship Church! Download STD_2014_XmasParty_D22 Flyer