New Year’s Eve Open House
Saturday December 31st, 2022
Time: 6:00 pm – 12:30 am | Countdown, Alcathon, Game Night, Fellowship & Fun!
The Elgin Alano Club will be OPEN for friends and visitors on New Year’s Eve! Open house begins at 6:00pm, we’ll have coffee, appetizers & light refreshments. Sobriety count-down at midnight!
We will be conducting a Alcathon in Unit C between 7:30pm – 12:30 am to ring in 2023!
- 7:30pm – The Magic of Step 3 (Art L.)
- 8:30pm – Inclusivity (Brad S.)
- 9:30pm – Candlelight Serenity (Eric L.)
- 10:30pm – Staying Sober (Abby H.)
Bring a friend and/or the family, a board game, plus attend one of our extra meetings to bid farewell to 2022! The gift shop, meeting room and members lounge will be open, kids room activities and board games to play & lots more!
A perfect ‘escape’ from what many may find to be a stressful and/or tempting day with or without family.
Questions? Contact Art L. 224-805-6661 or elginalanoclub@gmail.com