July 4th Cook-Out, Fellowship & Fireworks

Independence Day
Cook-out & Fireworks


Thursday, July 4th, 2024
5pm – 9:30pm (Fireworks @ Dusk)


Elgin Alano Club @ Riverside Promenade
73 S. Riverside Drive, Downtown, Elgin, Illinois 60120

Join us for an evening of sobriety, fellowship, and recovery! 

Our festivities will be held in the roped-off rear EAC parking lot area and along Riverside Drive Promenade. Bring your own blanket or chair to reserve one of the best spots to watch the fireworks along the Fox River!

We will have the club open, grills cooking, tables setup outside for dinning and will be raising monies by selling Monsters, Waters and Glo-Trinkets to the general public during the Fireworks show.  Join Us!

Questions? Contact Jim H. @ 224.629.6454 or elginalanoclub@gmail.com

No Potluck dishes this year, the entire meal and desserts provided by EAC Board!

Event Schedule

5:00pm Cook-Out & Fellowship

8:00pm Ice Cream Social

8:30pm Raffle Drawings

9:15pm Fireworks Show

2024-2025 Memberships*

New EAC Memberships & Key Exchange for renewals will also be available!

Indiv. Member   $65** (1-key)
Family Member $120**  (2-keys)

*  2024/2025 Locks change on 7/4
** Discount expires 7/5 ($70/$130)

Renew Online or at the Event!

Raffles & Games

Ticket includes 1 free entry
into our prize raffles!

Door Prizes & 50/50 Raffle!!

Bags Tournament & Games!

Purchase Tickets Online

July 4th Event Tickets


July 4 Concert and Fireworks-2024

Food & Donations*

Burgers, Hot Dogs, Cook-out Sides, Chips, Ice Cream, Beverages & Coffee

$9 Members / $10 Non-Members $2 Ice-Cream Social***
$5 Students/Children

*** Suggested Donation

City of Elgin July 4th Parade, Concert and Fireworks

4th of July 2024 LogoThe City of Elgin is excited to celebrate the Fourth of July with a parade, pet parade, and concert and fireworks, all occurring on Thursday, July 4th, 2024.

Event Page: Fourth of July Parade, Concert & Fireworks

Fourth of July Parade

About: Thursday, July 4, 2024 at 9:00 a.m. located at the intersection of Douglas and Slade. The parade concludes at the intersection of Douglas and Highland, near City Hall.

Fourth of July Concert and Fireworks

About: The Fourth of July celebration will continue at Festival Park with music, food trucks and drinks, children’s activities, and a spectacular fireworks display. The event takes place at 132 S Grove Ave, Elgin, IL, 60120.




July 4th Cook-Out, Fellowship & Fireworks

Independence Day
Cook-out & Fireworks


Tuesday, July 4th, 2023
6pm – 9:30pm (Fireworks @ Dusk)


Elgin Alano Club @ Riverside Promenade
73 S. Riverside Drive, Downtown, Elgin, Illinois 60120

Join us for an evening of sobriety, fellowship, and recovery! 

Our festivities will be held in the roped-off rear EAC parking lot area and along Riverside Drive Promenade. Bring your own blanket or chair to reserve one of the best spots to watch the fireworks along the Fox River!

We will have the club open, grills cooking, tables setup outside for dinning and will be raising monies by selling Monsters, Waters and Glo-Trinkets to the general public during the Fireworks show.  Join Us!

Questions? Contact Jim H. @ 815.629.6454 or elginalanoclub@gmail.com

No Potluck dishes this year, meal and desserts provided by EAC Board.

Event Schedule

6:00pm Cook-Out & Potluck

8:00pm Ice Cream Social ($2)

8:30pm Raffle Drawings

9:15pm Fireworks Show

2023-2024 Memberships*

New EAC Memberships & Key Exchange for renewals will also be available!

Indiv. Member   $65** (1-key)

Family Member $120**  (2-keys)

     *  2023/2024 Locks change on 7/1 

    ** Discount expires 7/5 ($70/$125)

Renew Online or at the Event!

Raffles & Games

Door Prizes & 50/50 Raffle!!

Bags Tournament & Games!

July 4th Event Tickets


Food & Donations*

Burgers, Hot Dogs, Sides, Chips, Ice Cream, Beverage & Coffee

$4 Members
$5 Non-Members
Kids Always Eat Free

$2 Ice-Cream Social

     * Suggested Donation 






End of Summer Bash – Cookout & Fireworks

End of Summer Bash 2022 QR

End of Summer Bash
Cookout & Fireworks (Take #2)


Friday, August 26th, 2022
6pm – 10:00pm (Fireworks @ Dusk)


Elgin Alano Club @ Riverside Promenade
73 S. Riverside Drive, Downtown, Elgin, Illinois 60120

Event Schedule

6:00pm Cook-Out & Potluck

8:00pm Ice Cream Social ($2)

8:30pm Raffle Drawings

9:15pm Fireworks Show

Join us for an evening of sobriety, fellowship, and recovery! 

Our festivities will be held in the roped-off rear EAC parking lot area and along Riverside Drive Promenade. Bring your own blanket or chair to reserve one of the best spots to watch the fireworks along the Fox River!

We will have the club open, grills cooking, tables setup outside for dinning and will be raising monies by selling Monsters, Waters and Glo-Trinkets to the general public during the Fireworks show.  Join Us!

Questions? Contact Jim H. @ 815.629.6454 or elginalanoclub@gmail.com

No Potluck dishes this year, meal and desserts provided by EAC Board.

Our Event Schedule

6:00pm Cook-Out & Potluck

8:00pm Ice Cream Social ($2)

8:30pm Raffle Drawings

9:20pm Fireworks Show

City of Elgin Events – learn more

Farmer’s Market at 3:00pm

Food Trucks at 4:00pm

Concert at 7:00pm

Fireworks Show at 9:20pm

Raffles & Games

Door Prizes & 50/50 Raffle!!

Bags Tournament & Games!

Mega-Raffle: BBQ Grill & Accessories! (Propane 3-burner)

Tix: One for $1 or Six for $5

Mega Raffle Tickets

Food & Donations*

Burgers, Hot Dogs, Sides, Chips, Ice Cream, Beverage & Coffee

$4 Members
$5 Non-Members
Kids Always Eat Free

$2 Ice-Cream Social

     * Suggested Donation 

Aug 26th Event Tickets



July 4th Cook-Out, Fellowship & Fireworks

July 4 Fireworks

Independence Day
Cook-out & Fireworks


Monday, July 4th, 2022
6pm – 9:30pm (Fireworks @ Dusk)


Elgin Alano Club @ Riverside Promenade
73 S. Riverside Drive, Downtown, Elgin, Illinois 60120

Join us for an evening of sobriety, fellowship, and recovery! 

Our festivities will be held in the roped-off rear EAC parking lot area and along Riverside Drive Promenade. Bring your own blanket or chair to reserve one of the best spots to watch the fireworks along the Fox River!

We will have the club open, grills cooking, tables setup outside for dinning and will be raising monies by selling Monsters, Waters and Glo-Trinkets to the general public during the Fireworks show.  Join Us!

Questions? Contact Jim H. @ 815.629.6454 or elginalanoclub@gmail.com

No Potluck dishes this year, meal and desserts provided by EAC Board.

Event Schedule

6:00pm Cook-Out & Potluck

8:00pm Ice Cream Social ($2)

8:30pm Raffle Drawings

9:15pm Fireworks Show

2022-2023 Memberships*

New EAC Memberships & Key Exchange for renewals will also be available!

Indiv. Member   $65** (1-key)

Family Member $120**  (2-keys)

     *  2022/2023 Locks change on 7/4 

    ** Discount expires 7/5 ($70/$125)

Renew Online or at the Event!

Raffles & Games

Door Prizes & 50/50 Raffle!!

Bags Tournament & Games!

Mega-Raffle: BBQ Grill & Accessories! (Propane 3-burner)

Tix: One for $1 or Six for $5

Mega Raffle Tickets

Food & Donations*

Burgers, Hot Dogs, Sides, Chips, Ice Cream, Beverage & Coffee

$4 Members
$5 Non-Members
Kids Always Eat Free

$2 Ice-Cream Social

     * Suggested Donation 

July 4th Event Tickets


Download Independence Cookout Fireworks 2022 Flyer

Independence Cookout Fireworks 2022 Flyer

July 4th Cook-Out, Fellowship & Fireworks

Independence Day
Cook-out & Fireworks


Thursday, July 4th, 2021
6pm – 9:30pm (Fireworks @ Dusk)


Elgin Alano Club @ Riverside Promenade
73 S. Riverside Drive, Downtown, Elgin, Illinois 60120

Join us for an evening of sobriety, fellowship, and recovery! 

Our festivities will be held in the roped-off rear EAC parking lot area and along Riverside Drive Promenade. Bring your own blanket or chair to reserve one of the best spots to watch the fireworks along the Fox River!

Each donation for the cookout receives entry into the door prize raffles! We will have the club open, grills cooking, tables setup outside for dinning and will be raising monies by selling Monsters, Waters and Glo-Trinkets to the general public during the Fireworks show.  Join Us!

Questions? Contact Laurie Faith @ 815.263.7658 or elginalanoclub@gmail.com

Event Schedule

6pm Cook-Out & Potluck
8pm Ice Cream Social
9pm Fireworks Show

2021-2022 Memberships*

New EAC Memberships & Key Exchange for renewals will also be available!

Indiv. Member   $65** (1-key)

Family Member $120**  (2-keys)

*  2021/22 Locks change on 6/30 

** Discount expires 7/5 ($70/$125)

Raffles & Games

50/50 Raffle at 8:30pm

Door Prizes to be won!

Bags Tournament & Games!

Food & Donations*

Burgers, Hot Dogs, Sides, Chips, Ice Cream, Beverage & Coffee

$4 Members
$5 Non-Members
Kids Always Eat Free!
     * Suggested Donation 

$2 Ice-Cream Social

No Potluck dishes this year, Please bring a pre-packaged Dessert to Share with Friends!

July 4th Event Tickets