Christmas Day Open House

The Elgin Alano Club invites you to enjoy a

Christmas Day Open House

Sunday December 25th, 2016

Time: 12:00 – 5:00 pm   |   Food – Fellowship – Fun!

All are Welcome!

EAC will be open for friends and visitors on Christmas Day!  There will be food to share, the gift shop, plasma flat screen TV (football broadcasts) and members lounge are open, kids room activities (Disney & Wii) and lots more!  Bring a dish to pass, DVD or Board Game to share and stop in to make some new friends.

Our regular closed meeting will be in session at 6:30 pm in the main meeting room.

Elgin Alano Club – 73 S. Riverside Dr. Downtown Elgin – Laurie Faith 815-263-7658

District 22 Christmas Party – 12.3.2016

District 22 Christmas Party – Saturday, December 3, 2016

Doors open at 5pm until 9pm

First United Methodist Church 216 E. Highland Ave. Elgin, Illinois 60120

We are accepting donations for raffle prizes.

Please bring a dish to share.

If interested in helping or serving on the committees please contact; Susan or Wade L. (847) 687-5117


Come join the Elgin Bid for ISCYPAA around the metal pole to celebrate Festivus on Festivus Day!!

Activities will include but aren’t limited to:

  • Airing of Grievances Meeting @ 7:30 pm
  • Decorating of the Pole
  • Lots of Feats of Strength
  • Warm glow of Victory
  • Ugly Holiday Clothing Attire Encouraged
  • Random Prizes & Raffles
  • Food, Fellowship & Dancing!

Christmas Day Open House

The Elgin Alano Club invites you to enjoy a

Christmas Day Open House

Friday December 25th, 2015

Time: 12:00 – 5:00 pm   |   Food – Fellowship – Fun!

All are Welcome!

EAC will be open for friends and visitors on Christmas Day!  There will be food to share, the gift shop, big screen TV (digital antenna broadcasts) and members lounge are open, kids room activities (Disney & Wii) and lots more!  Bring a dish to pass, DVD or Board Game to share and stop in to make some new friends.

Our regular closed meeting will be in session at 1:30 pm in a private meeting room.


Elgin Alano Club – 73 S. Riverside Dr. Downtown Elgin – Laurie Faith 815-263-7658


Community Thanksgiving Dinner

As the Club is still in the occupancy process thru 12/2/2015 – we will be unable to host our traditional Thanksgiving Open House.

We encourage you to visit the Community Thanksgiving Dinner at First United Methodist Church, 11:00am to 2:00pm to join in the Elgin area festivities.