Sunday Open Speaker Brunch and Key Exchange Open House

The Elgin Alano Club invites you to enjoy an Sunday Open Speaker Brunch – June 28th

Our Guest Speakers Jim H. & Colleen H. from Elgin, IL will share their  experience, strength, and hope about 12-steps, Alanon and Marriage with us!

Doors open at 12:00 pm – Speakers at 12:45 pm

$3 Members / $5 Non-Members / Kids ARE ALWAYS Free

Elgin Alano Club, 5 N. Union St, Elgin, IL

 Bring a Dish to Pass and get in for FREE


Key Exchange for the 2015-2015 Membership Year
is June 28th from 2:00 pm – 5:00 pm!

Go to the membership page of our website for further details on ALL the benefits of membership and how you can assist in supporting our club!   Updates to Yearly Membership Rates: $60 Early Renewal Rate – available NOW through June 28th  |  $70 Yearly Membership Rate – effective June 28th

June 28th Membership Specials will be available in advance Online (via Paypal) and for attendees of the Open Speaker Brunch (Noon) and during extended Open House hours (2pm- 5pm)

  • New Members – $70 (July 2015 – June 2016) – Bonus of $5 in EAC Bucks for use at future events!

  • Renewing Members – $60 (July 2015 – June 2016) – One day only $10 discount off the annual rate!

Bonus: Free EAC swag for ALL key holders in in upcoming 2015-2016 membership year  – Cash, Check, Credit or PayPal Accepted – Join and/or Renew ONLINE! 

If you build it, they will come… and… then what?

I am not one to make New Year’s resolutions. As I see it, I am setting myself up for failure by making goals I have no intention of meeting. You know, like losing weight, spending less, or looking for the good in the “other” political party.

For many years I would quit drinking. A New Year’s Eve hangover was the catalyst for that and it usually lasted as long. I have found that taking things “One Day At A Time” I was able to accomplish some much needed sobriety.

I don’t drink today. I don’t know what tomorrow will bring but as long as it is today, I don’t drink. What a good use for procrastination. Getting involved and helping secure the future of the Elgin Alano Club is not a good use of procrastination. The club needs my help NOW. EAC has squeaked by another year by just about breaking-even. By that, I mean we didn’t always bring in as much as we spent. (Rent can be a bitch, right.)

drive_pledge_king_dungeon_681825[1]There are ways we can improve the EAC experience but it takes your help.

In the New Year I would hope to see:
1. Membership growth.
2. Increased attendance at club functions and fundraisers.
3. Feedback through suggestions on how EAC can improve YOUR sober experience.
4. A show of pride by keeping the club and outside areas clean.
5. Responsible members seeking ways they can help the EAC board make our club the best club ever.

I wanted to think of 12 things but I didn’t want to lessen the importance of these things by being funny. This is a serious matter. Without the increased interest in membership and increased interest in working with the board, EAC may see another end.

In the glass case there are 2 coffee mugs from 1989. EAC went through this before. It took around 15 years before the club started up again. Those of us who have been there do not want to see this happen again. It does not have to.

– Jim H.
Vice Chair, Elgin Alano Club

Sunday “Open Speaker” Brunch – Kristen B. and Ryan K.

We’ll be serving a brunch meal and enjoying a speaker at the club, January 25th features Kristen B. of Elgin and Ryan K. of Bartlett!

Non-Members $5, Members $3 and Kids Free.  We will be having a 50/50 raffle, Club Membership for the 2015 year will be discounted at $30 – and AA items will be available from the club store for purchase.

Bring a dish to share and you get in FREE!  The more the merrier!

“State of the Club” – Membership Meeting

State of the Club – November 9th @ 4:30 pm

5 N. Union Street, Elgin, Illinois  –  –  Pizza and Light Refreshments to be provided!

All 2014/2015 members are invited to attend, learn more about our goals and direction for 2015 and bring your suggestions and ideas!

Currently there is an Open Board of Director Position for 2015, nominations and Letters of Interest being accepted prior to the meeting – email: [email protected]