Christmas Day Open House
Wednesday, December 25th, 2024
Time: 11:30 am – 4:30 pm | Meetings – Fellowship – Fun!
The Elgin Alano Club will be OPEN for friends and visitors on Christmas Day! We will be conducting a Series of Meetings in Unit C between 12:00 – 4:00 pm, plus the gift shop, big screen TV and members lounge are open, kids room activities and lots more!
A Christmas Meal will be served this year! If you plan to bring a dish to share, please sign up at the club, so we do not ‘load up’ on any single item.
Bring a friend, board game and attend one of our extra meetings for the day! A perfect ‘escape’ from what many may find to be a stressful and/or tempting day with or without family.
Meeting Sessions
Elgin Alano Club – 73 S. Riverside Drive, Elgin, Illinois 60120
www.ElginAlanoClub.com | Contact: Jim H. 224-629-6454