Christmas Day Open House

The Elgin Alano Club invites you to enjoy a

Christmas Day Open House

Friday December 25th, 2015

Time: 12:00 – 5:00 pm   |   Food – Fellowship – Fun!

All are Welcome!

EAC will be open for friends and visitors on Christmas Day!  There will be food to share, the gift shop, big screen TV (digital antenna broadcasts) and members lounge are open, kids room activities (Disney & Wii) and lots more!  Bring a dish to pass, DVD or Board Game to share and stop in to make some new friends.

Our regular closed meeting will be in session at 1:30 pm in a private meeting room.


Elgin Alano Club – 73 S. Riverside Dr. Downtown Elgin – Laurie Faith 815-263-7658


District 22 Christmas Party – 12.12.2015

NIA District 22 Annual Christmas Party
Proudly Presents… a festive fellowship of Sweet Desserts and Holiday Celebration! All are Welcome!

Saturday, December 12, 2015
Doors Open at 5:00 pm with Potluck & ‘Sweet Desserts’ until 9:30 pm
Visitor from the North Pole and Musical Entertainment

First United Methodist Church
216 E. Highland Avenue, Downtown Elgin, IL 60120

Raffles, Prizes and 50/50!
Kids Games, Youth Activities and Gifts
“Mystery” Entertainment and Ugly Sweater Contest

Please bring a ’Small Dish to Pass’ as indicated below:
Your Last Name begins with:

  • A-M : Appetizers or Hors d’oeuvre
  • N-Z : Finger Foods or Snacks
  • There will be no dinner entrées served this year, District 22 will be providing a vast dessert and sweets table for all!

Co-Chair: Joe N. @ 630-391-8263 | Co-Chair: Tina R. @ 224-355-5002
Contact Kevin B. with Raffle Donations @ 224-245-1624

For more information:

*New Location* Plenty of Free Parking available at the Spring Street Parking Deck – Between Chicago St. and Highland Ave!

Community Thanksgiving Dinner

As the Club is still in the occupancy process thru 12/2/2015 – we will be unable to host our traditional Thanksgiving Open House.

We encourage you to visit the Community Thanksgiving Dinner at First United Methodist Church, 11:00am to 2:00pm to join in the Elgin area festivities.



Autumn Open Speaker Potluck – In-Depth Big Book Study Group

Autumn 2015 Potluck Open Speaker Meeting
Featuring Jeff L. from St. Charles, IL

Sunday, November 15th

Zion Lutheran Church, 330 Griswold St. in Elgin

5:30 Potluck  |  6:30 Speaker

Food, Fellowship, Raffles

FREE – Please Bring a Dish to Pass!!!

Sunday Ticket Football – Bears Vs. Lions

Are you ready for some Fellowship & Football?!?!

Sunday Ticket Football!

Sunday , October 18th

“Tailgate” starts @ 11:00 A.m.

Kick-Off @ 12:05 P.M.

Game Time Strip Cards & 50/50 Raffle!

All are Welcome! 

$5.00 ($3.00 for EAC Members) – Suggested Donation at the Door.


Elgin Alano Club – 3rd floor – 5 N. Union Street, Elgin, IL

Serving: Hot Dogs, Baked Beans, Potato Chips, Soda & Coffee

Please bring a Favorite football food to “pass” and Your Family/Friends!