THE SOUL KITCHEN – April 13 – 15, 2018
A Spiritual Retreat for Men and Women in Recovery
We need to get rid of pain and anger before we can bring in love. Our literature tells us that we need to be free of anger if we are to grow spiritually and stay sober. Free of anger…no more resentments…is that you? Knowing the danger in resentment, surely, we can’t be harboring anything, can we? Well…experience has shown us that while our minds may not be inundated with bitterness or hurt feelings, we may only be aware of the tip of the iceberg. Some of us know full well that we have issues here, and that they need to be addressed. Others believe they’ve left anger in the past. Sometimes, we find big, nasty resentments festering under the surface…hidden sources of spiritual pain and struggle. So we’re going to shine a light on them, and do our best to dig them out, root and branch. Join us for what will surely be a powerful weekend!
Retreat Cost: $140 (Deposit of $40 required)
Includes: Lodging, Meals and Programs – Our retreats are co-ed (separate living quarters); limited scholarships may be available*
Schedule: Friday night dinner (optional) at 6:00 pm; first session at 7:30 pm. Last session complete by 12:30 Sunday
Committee: Ben C., Joe N., Mae Y. Ryan K., Susan L.
* A modest retreat fund is available for partial scholarships. If money is an issue, please let Ryan or Mae know ASAP so you can experience Freedom from Anger.
Villa Desiderata
Spiritual Retreat Center
3015 N. Bayview Lane
McHenry, IL 60051