Did you Know… The “Elgin Misfits” Summer Softball fellowship meets-up Sunday afternoons for batting/catch practice?

Each summer a group of Elgin recovery ‘misfits’ is challenged to play the Dekalb Alano, representing Elgin Alano, at their District 71 picnic.
This years game will be on August 11th at 1:00 pm at Katz Park in Dekalb, IL. –>
Practices begun in July on Sunday afternoons – no prior experience necessary, sidelines spectators and furry fans welcomed!
Bring your own glove if you have one – we’ll be forming a team and start game-play practices soon… so come out and give it a try, take a swing… why not?
Questions? Contact Coach Michelle B. @ 847-323-3978 – you may also connect you into the Private Facebook Group to meet you team-mates and discuss strategy!
Next meetup is Sunday July 22nd at 1:30 p.m St Hugh Of Lincoln Episcopal Church, 36W957 Highland Ave, Elgin, IL on Sundays. We have permission from church to use their field – hitting practice will last about 1-hr.