Club Service Work Day

Service Work Day

Every First Saturday of the Month we will gather as volunteers for light service work around the Club and special projects to keep EAC in top-top shape!

* Deep Cleaning of common areas such as coffee service, fridge, bathrooms and meeting tables, mopping of the floors, etc.
* Maintenance to building areas for “handyman” repairs to doors, fixtures and common areas, touch-up paint, etc.
* Clean-up of the outside entrances for seasonal debris, garbage/recycling, keep the entrances safe & secure.
Other special projects as needed! 🙂

Meet-up at 10:30 am, enjoy some service work with fellow club patrons, good music and perhaps stay for the fellowship.

Reoccurring Facebook Event:

Club Service Work Day

Service Work Day

Every First Saturday of the Month we will gather as volunteers for light service work around the Club and special projects to keep EAC in top-top shape!

* Deep Cleaning of common areas such as coffee service, fridge, bathrooms and meeting tables, mopping of the floors, etc.
* Maintenance to building areas for “handyman” repairs to doors, fixtures and common areas, touch-up paint, etc.
* Clean-up of the outside entrances for seasonal debris, garbage/recycling, keep the entrances safe & secure.
Other special projects as needed! 🙂

Meet-up at 10:30 am, enjoy some service work with fellow club patrons, good music and perhaps stay for the noon meeting.

Reoccurring Facebook Event:

Improvement Projects Weekend Aug 24-26 (No Brunch)

Club Improvement Weekend – New Floors!!!

We’ll be re-doing the floors within the club on the weekend of August 25th, which will require 36-48 hours for the epoxy to cure prior to setting up the meeting room for use again.

Volunteers are needed Friday afternoon to clear out the common areas of the club, as well as help early-evening Friday to resurface & wash the floors with our rented cleaning equipment.  This will allow us to ready the floor areas to be primed and treated late-Saturday morning to dry and cure over the remainder of the weekend.  Volunteers are still wanted in applying the epoxy if you have the skills!  

We still need 2-3 additional Volunteers for Floor Prep Work on Friday Evening at 5pm and/or Saturday Morning at 7am.  Please contact Ron E. @ 630.215.6600 or John @ 847.334.6236 if you are interested and or able to lend a hand at some service work!

There will be rented equipment, safety masks, regular old mops and supplies on hand – we just need your extra hands and willingness to help make these floors shine! Questions?  Contact: [email protected]

Schedule of Work Day Events

Friday Afternoon / EveningSaturday MorningSunday Evening / Monday Afternoon
At the conclusion of the Fellowship of the Spirit meeting: (Volunteers Needed)

  • Move all items out of the Main Meeting room and into Unit C for temporary meeting space
  • Move the Vending Machine and Refrigerator into Members Lounge
  • Move Kitchen Island and Miscellaneous Items into Unit C workshop area
  • Clean Floors with Rented Equip.

Friday Nitecap will meet in C Space @ 10pm

AlAnon will meet at Elgin Books @ 9:30am

  • 7am Apply Epoxy to Floor Area (Volunteers Needed)
  • 10am Close and Lock Club to allow the Epoxy to Dry and Cure

12pm Twelve & Twelve meeting will be held at the District 22 Picnic at Wing Park.

10pm NiteCap meeting will be held on the patio next door to the club.

Sunday @ 5pm: Return to the Club to check the status of the floors drying – place select items back into kitchen and vending area

Reminder: Sunday Night Big Book will NOT be meeting on August 26th.

Monday @ 1pm: Move items from Unit C back into the Main Meeting Room


What are your unique volunteer skills or interests for service around the club?  Let us know below! 


Elgin’s Community Christmas Dinner

We are proud to announce the first annual community Christmas dinner. There be plenty of free food, beverages, desserts, music and games and face painting for the kids. Free for all.

Since our first Thanksgiving dinner in 2009, these get togethers have truly evolved into “community” events. Everyone is welcomed and many people from all walks of life have become friends. It is a time to get together, meet others and share a meal. Our dream for these dinners is to grow them into community wide “family” dinners just like you would have in your own home…just a bit bigger. Where everyone does their part and then sits to enjoy each other and the food at the same time.

Because of all of the support from our donors, partners, volunteers and patrons, these dinners are evolving into just that.

Please come join us at the Community Dinner. Please spread the word.

Volunteer shifts
8-10:30 (set up and food prep()
11-1pm (service)
1-3pm (service/tear down)

Monesotary Donations are accepted. Mail or Drop off to:
In The Neighborhood Deli (ITN Deli) (c/o Community Dinner; 185 Edison Ave; .Elgin, Il 60123
***Please make checks payable to Elgin Community Network with Community Dinners in memo.

Desert donations accepted at the Deli on Friday until 3pm or at the dinner location the event Saturday until 11am.

Thanks, Jeff and Anthony

Banquet Planning Meeting & Ticket Packet Pick-up

We need YOUR ideas and enthusiasm for our 9th Anniversary Banquet planning committee!
Next Planning Meeting: Saturday Feb 13th
From 1:15—2:00 pm (after our regular 12&12 meeting at noon)

Service chairs and volunteers needed in the following areas:
Decorations – Ticket Sales – Entertainment – Service Drivers
Raffle Prize Solicitation – Greeters – Venue Setup

Questions or Ideas? Contact LF @ 815-263-7658 or [email protected]

Save the Date – April 9th, 2016
LaQuabrada Banquets: 50 N. Spring St – Downtown Elgin
Banquet Schedule 5:30 – 10:30 pm
Two Guest Speakers this Year, plus Raffles, 50/50, Entertainment, Door Prizes and Guacamole Bar!