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Shop Smile.Amazon.com for Prime Day 2020
October 13, 2020 - October 14, 2020
Are you planning to shop Amazon PRIME DAY for deals Oct.13 & 14? Why not shop AND support your favorite Non-Profit at the same time via the
Smile.Amazon.com program!

Simply shop at
smile.amazon.com/ch/36-3670743 or with AmazonSmile ON in the Amazon Shopping app and AmazonSmile donates to Elgin Alano Club Inc. (Just Selection ‘Elgin Alano Club Inc.” as your Non Profit of choice to support from the
Smile.Amazon.com Menu, and you are all set!).
Many of our club patron’s have shopped the “
smile.amazon.com‘ portal over the years for their everyday Amazon purchases; each quarter the club receives a donation check for a % of those purchases. Every little bit helps, Thank you!